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Cancellation Policy


If the following circumstances apply to you at the time of your booked check-in date, the COVID-19 Cancellation Policy will apply to your booking. If you wish to cancel your booking and the following does not apply, the standard cancellation policy will apply to your booking.

  • You are required to self-isolate or stay at home in accordance with the Victorian Government COVID-19 guidelines during the dates of your stay. This includes:
  • Have contracted a confirmed case of coronavirus
  • All people who think they may have been in contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus.

If the above applies to you, the following cancellation policy will apply to your booking:

  • Due to Covid-19’s longevity it is now a known risk and your booking will come under the standard cancellation policy.


If more than 72 hours notice is given for a reservation cancellation during off-peak season, guests will be refunded their full payment.
At least 72 hours notice must be given for booking or date alterations. Date changes are subject to availability.

If cancelling within 72 Hours of due arrival date no refund will be given.

If you do not notify the park of your cancellation or do not arrive by 10am the day after your scheduled arrival date, your booking will be cancelled and deposit forfeited.

Should you depart earlier than your departure date for any reason, you may be charged for the full stay.

Kryal Castle reserves the right to cancel bookings for ‘no shows’.


Includes public holidays, long weekends, school holidays and special events – bookings require a security deposit of the first nights tariff when booking.

On-line: Full payment is taken at time of booking.

If more than 7 days notice is given for a reservation cancellation during peak season, guests will be refunded their full payment.
At least 7 days notice must be given for booking or date alterations. Date changes are subject to availability.

If cancelling within 7 days of due arrival date no refund will be given.

If you do not notify the park of your cancellation or do not arrive by 10am the day after your scheduled arrival date, your booking will be cancelled and deposit forfeited.

Should you depart earlier than your departure date for any reason, you may be charged for the full stay.

Kryal Castle reserves the right to cancel bookings for ‘no shows’.